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Castle Batch

Primary School Academy

Happy, confident children, learning to learn

Academy Uniform

Academy Uniform

All children are expected to wear academy uniform.  The academy colours are bottle green, with a white top and grey/black skirt or trousers.  Should you wish to buy uniform with a logo, it can be purchased from Price & Buckland or you can order via their website.  Please click on the link at the bottom of the page. Most of our local supermarkets sell cardigans, jumpers, shirts and blouses in our school colours for a very reasonable price. 


Your child will need the following:

  • A white or green polo shirt or a white shirt/blouse

  • Grey or black trousers - plain, straight legged or boot cut
  • Grey or Black skirt or pinafore dress - tights are to be black/grey or white (no bright colours/patterns)
  • Optional - grey or black shorts
  • Optional - green striped/checked summer dress
  • Sensible shoes - these can be black trainers but no football boots
  • Academy Book Bag
  • Wellies and waterproof all in one (or trousers and jacket)
  • Water Bottle


Please ensure that your child does not wear shoes or boots with heels or sandals as these can cause ankle damage.  Wearing jewellery can create health and safety hazards for both the wearer and others.  Loop earrings and rings must not be worn and ear studs must be removed for PE or a disclaimer needs to be completed.  Students unable to remove earrings should be required to make them safe by taping, front and back, which may offer a measure of protection. The taping should be sufficient to prevent the stud penetrating the bone behind the ear should an unintentional blow be received.  This taping may be done at home for younger children or prior to the lesson for older students. Staff are not to remove or tape earrings for students.  Where taping is utilised, the teacher supervising the group maintains responsibility to ensure the taping is effective for purpose. Where staff consider the taping to be unsatisfactory to permit safe participation, they will need to consider if the child can participate.  Nails should also be kept short with no false/acrylic nails.


PE and Games

Children will need:

  • Navy or Black shorts
  • White plain round necked t-shirt
  • Navy or Black Tracksuit for colder weather outdoor PE
  • Sports trainers (no fashion trainers)
  • PE Kit Bag