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The Priory Learning Trust

Get in touch

Contact Details

Castle Batch

Primary School Academy

Happy, confident children, learning to learn

Friends of Castle Batch (FOCB)

Friends of Castle Batch (FCB) is the schools PTA and they are a key part of the academy community.  Anyone can get involved as when you join Castle Batch, you automatically become a member.  We need people to help at events, organising them before and helping clear up afterwards.  You can help at one of our big events, all year or just dip in and out when you have a spare couple of hours - all help is gratefully received!  If you would like to get involved, then please speak to Debbie Parker in the office who will let you know when the next meeting is.    

Friends of Castle Batch

If you are able to help with an event - either with preparation or at the event then please contact us. Also, if you would like to join us at the meetings to have input into what events we put on and what the money is spent on then please email us below to register your interest.
