Key Stage 2
Who Are We?
Mrs Julie Bestwick has been a teacher for over 20 years at a local school in Congresbury, having been the Literacy co-ordinator, Geography and History co-ordinator and more recently the PHSE co-ordinator. Julie Bestwick has taught all Key Stage 2 year groups and has previously taught in Oxford and Bristol.
The children in Key Stage 2 work in Julie Bestwick's class in the morning and spend time in the mainstream classes in the afternoon.
There are five consistent members of staff who work in Key Stage 2.
Overview Of Learning
Numeracy - we are learning:
The 4 operations, perimeter and area, equal groupings, 2D and 3D shape, pictograms and tally charts, fractions, decimals and percentages and equations!
English - we are learning:
Read Write Inc, basic and higher level punctuation (full stops and capital letters, speech marks, comma for clauses, apostrophes and paragraphs, nouns and pronouns, adjectives, verbs and silent letters). Comprehension and inference.
Reading - we are using Bug Club.
Timetables - we are using TTRS.
Gallery of Work
Please click on the crayon below to view our current topic work, learning walls and events gallery.
Useful Day to Day Information
Homework - this is issued on Mondays and due in on the following Monday, this usually consists of spellings and numeracy.
TTRS - this is an ICT resource which you can access from home to consolidate learning in school.
Reading - we frequently hear the children read, however, we see the best progress when this is supported by children reading and sharing books at home.