At Castle Batch Primary School Academy we take child protection and safeguarding very seriously.
We have a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), who is Sally Taylor, Headteacher. There are three deputy DSLs who are Tom Hassall, Deputy Headteacher, Helen Lovejoy and Bonny Owens, Wrap around care leader. Bridget Starr is the Safeguarding Lead in the Nursery. There is a member of staff trained in dealing with any safeguarding issue in school AT ALL TIMES.
Please click on the Safeguarding Policy on our Policies page of the website for the most up to date version.

Safeguarding Links
Please click on the links below for further safeguarding information:
Prevent Duty
From 1 July 2015, all schools have had a statutory duty to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism. This is referred to as the 'Prevent duty'.
Furthermore, schools must have regard to statutory guidance issued in relation to the Prevent duty. The DfE has published advice on the Prevent duty which sets out the implications for schools and signposts a number of resources available.