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The Priory Learning Trust

Get in touch

Contact Details

Castle Batch

Primary School Academy

Happy, confident children, learning to learn

Learning Champions

Our school values are at the heart of everything we do.


We aim for all our children to be happy, confident , and resilient individuals who, through their time with us, develop a thirst for and love of learning. This is at the heart of what we do.


Our goal is to always catch the children being good. Those children who consistently make the right choices get noticed, and those positive behaviours are rewarded with systems such as postcards of praise, phone calls home, Hot Chocolate Friday and Learning Champions.


Children who demonstrate a fantastic work ethic and good learning may be chosen as the Learning Champion for that week. The child's name is read out in a special Friday assembly, and a certificate with the reasons why is sent home to keep.


Should you have any questions about our behaviour systems, specifically Learning Champions, please speak with Tom Hassall, Deputy Headteacher.
