Speech and Language Base
Castle Batch Primary School Academy Speech and Language Base is a unique, specific provision that is accessed from children across North Somerset with a Speech and Language disorder.
Admission to the Speech and Language Base is through application to North Somerset Send Panel. All children have an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP). There are presently 18 children in the Speech and Language Base with EHCPs.
Their learning is achieved by the use of highly personalised learning plans from their EHCPs, use of external SIRONA Speech and Language Therapists, individual personalised and specific Speech and
Language Programmes and interventions daily, by a high level of trained adult support, Makaton,
interventions such as Communication in Print, Writing With Symbols, Talk Boost, GAP, Dancing
Bears, Reading for Meaning, 5 Minute Box Literacy and Numeracy and Sydney Approach.
Progress is monitored regularly and new outcomes set in consultation with Speech and Language
Therapists, Educational Psychologists, SENDCO, parents, the young person and all staff.
The impact of the provision is positive and successful, with all Key Stage 2 children accessing mainstream
classes with adult support in the school. Most children move on to mainstream secondary schools in
their catchment areas. A few children transition to specialist provision for secondary or primary in
response to EHCP annual reviews. Children transitioning to new schools always have an enhanced
phased transition programme to support them. A lot of our children go from non verbal on entry to
leaving us full time in a mainstream setting, a ceased EHCP and accessing mainstream curriculum confidently and independently.
Please contact Hannah Tedder, Speech & Language Base manager for more information.