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The Priory Learning Trust

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Castle Batch

Primary School Academy

Happy, confident children, learning to learn


Our Aims and Values

We aim for all Castle Batch children to be able to say:

  • I am literate, numerate, technologically able, and can be creative in different ways;
  • I am aspirational and I aim high;
  • I am empowered to choose and I can share my ideas;
  • I am good at speaking to a range of people and making my feelings known;
  • I am confident to take risks and resilient when I make a mistake;
  • I am independent – I can think for myself and make positive choices;
  • I can play and learn as part of a team and be respectful of others;
  • I know how to keep myself safe and be physically and mentally healthy;
  • I know the difference between right and wrong and understand the consequences of my actions;
  • I am curious about the world and the people in it.


In order for this to happen:

  • Our Headteacher will be inspirational and aspirational, be a good communicator who listens to all, lead by example, will value others and work as part of the team.
  • Our senior leaders will lead with clear vision and direction, lead with drive and determination, be supportive and value all members of the school community, understand and acknowledge the strengths of the school as well as working to improve things.
  • Our Governors will be critical but supportive, approachable, well informed, committed and visible in school.
  • Our subject leaders will show good knowledge of the curriculum, be supportive, have positive attitudes, show a clear vision for their subject and resource the curriculum well.
  • Our teachers will be approachable, caring and nurturing. They will be motivational and inspirational, and provide good role models for the children. They will have current, high quality training and will always be willing to learn and improve further. They will always respond to the needs of the children, both academically and pastorally.
  • Our support staff will be flexible – they will adapt and improvise. They will be supportive of children’s learning, professional, organised and a crucial part of our team.
  • Our lunchtime supervisors will always put the children first, they will be good listeners who are firm but fair. They will always follow school procedures, but balance that with using good common sense.
  • Our curriculum will be child centred, creative and fun. It will be based on developing both skills and knowledge, will be relevant and practical. We will use our whole school environment, as well as the wider environment through trips and visits, to enrich and enhance our curriculum.
  • Our school will be a good learning environment. It will be safe and secure, clean and tidy and accessible by all.