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The Priory Learning Trust

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Castle Batch

Primary School Academy

Happy, confident children, learning to learn

Our Community Council

The Community Council

There are three layers of governance in TPLT: Members, Trustees and Community Councillors, with each tier having a distinctive role.

The local tier of governance for each TPLT school is undertaken by a Community Council. The Trust is particularly keen to emphasise the importance of each of the schools within their local community, so ensuring a strong link to the local community is fundamental to the Trust’s approach.

Schools are an important part of local democracy and the link between a strong community and a good school providing a high quality education for that community cannot be underestimated. 

Through their representation of different stakeholder groups (parents, staff, community), Community Councillors will have a strong understanding of the school and its community. 

The Community Councils feedback to trust leaders and trustees through formal termly meetings. The Chairs’ Group coordinates agendas and programmes of work to ensure each council is able to provide a valuable community insight and avoids duplication of work with the role of trustees and trust leaders.

Academy Council details for academic year 2023/2024

Information about Governance of The Priory Learning Trust
